(09) 1 dozen mix roses in bouquet


1 dozen mix roses in bouquet with greens and fillers.

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Flower Care Instruction:

When you get flowers in your hand, just trim or cut the stems and add water. Re-cut 1-2” of the stems .Need to use a clean vase and clean water for keeping it. You have to remove the leaves below the water line but shouldn't remove all leaves along the stem length. Water level should be checked in daily basis and replenish if needed as well as keep away from direct sunlight or excessive heat. Flowers size may vary season to season & will be delivered in bud/Semi bloom/fully bloom condition as per local availability at the time of delivery.

Enjoy your flowers!

Mixed roses when delivered it makes stunning and romantic gift. There is nothing better gift then this. Nothing speaks elegance than a bouquet of this gift. Send this attractive gift to your beloved and share your love and feelings with you lover.


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